Gordon T. Kunkler’s newly released “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” is a masterful handbook that emphasizes and explains the gifts of God to everyone

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“Where I Have Seen God in My Life”: an inspiring story of the author’s journey in seeking God’s companionship and appreciating the gifts of the omnipotent Father. “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” is the creation of published author Gordon T. Kunkler, a man of faith who entered into the deacon program, and three years later became a deacon. He ended up preaching in two dioceses at the same time at one point in his life. He preached on the radio when the Catholic mass was being aired. He also preached almost every week in the prison system when he was a prison chaplain.

Kunkler writes, “I wrote this book for many reasons. First of all, God has been very good to me and I know that He wants me to respond to His love. God has given me many gifts besides the gift of love. For example, faith, hope, family, and the abilities to do His will. With all that He has done for me, I want to let others know that He lives and is very much in touch with each of us. So much so that he sent His Son to die for our sins so that we have become children of God and heirs to the kingdom. All that we need to do is to love others as ourselves and accept His gifts. Scripture has said that He knocks on our doors and that whoever opens the door for Him, He will enter and have supper with them.

“With the gifts of faith and hope, I can find peace in my future. I would like everyone to know the love that God has for them. However, some say that God is dead or that there is no God. I feel sorry for them for they have no hope for their future when it comes to eternal life with God. This world and all that it holds will never make them happy.

“I have shared where I have seen God in my life and have had my friends also share God in their lives in hope that others may believe and change their hearts and lives to serve God and others. Jesus told his disciples to go and teach all nations. We can’t do this unless we stand up or speak up for our faith and our God. Sharing our faith and by showing our faith is one of the best ways of teaching all nations. We as parents and Christians must teach our children and others to do what Jesus wants us to do. He died for our sins and wants us to finish the job of spreading the truth and the faith that he has given to us.

“The gifts of faith, hope, love, and forgiveness are too special to waste. We need to use them each chance that we have. If we don’t use them, we will become weak in our faith and become like the worthless servant that buries his master’s money. We need to invest in our future of eternal life and the future of others.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Gordon T. Kunkler’s new book is an engrossing masterpiece that touches the readers’ hearts turning them to become the believers of the risen Christ who is the provider of everyone.

With this purpose, Kunkler reminds the readers to appreciate the gifts of God and use it well in His glory so they may be able to journey their life with trust and faith in God no matter how hard their situation is.

View a synopsis of “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Where I Have Seen God in My Life” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Where I Have Seen God in My Life,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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