“This Present Reality” Exposes Govt. of Men vs. Govt. of God

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My goal is to increase the Christian voice in the geo-political arena and bring these spiritual realities to the forefront of the national dialog…

Madson Baptiste believes that current church leadership is moving in an antiquated posture, and that it is time for this generation of leaders to shift into a more relevant expression to impact the world.

In “This Present Reality: Breaking the Timeline of our Adversary,” Baptiste provides a collection of revelatory letters to a church in Pakistan, intended to guide a church where resources are limited, as well as inspire wisdom to overcome an escapist mentality and serve God more passionately. Baptiste’s book examines the geopolitical arena and the spiritual dynamics that are driving it.

“We’ve been hearing the same talking points for years,” Baptiste said. “My goal is to increase the Christian voice in the geo-political arena and bring these spiritual realities to the forefront of the national dialog, and encourage people to engage in the future of God’s purpose for this generation.”

Baptiste was called to apostolic ministry in 1994. The focus of his book is to discuss old foundations, while exposing new revelations for the church and its members.

The book is the first in a three-part series, designed to connect believers and provide focus for the current state of spiritual warfare.

“After 25 years of pursuing my own destiny,” Baptiste said, “I’m fulfilling the call to change the church’s lack of relevancy in this generation, to become more compliant with this season of God’s timeline.”

“This Present Reality”

By Madson Baptiste

ISBN: 978-1-9736-7962-2

Available at the Westbow Press Online Bookstore and Amazon

About the author

At thirty-five, Madson Baptiste had a personal encounter with God. This transformed his life and started him on a path that would take him into a season of great trials and suffering, but it was also a path of purpose and consecration. It eventually led him to attend Bible College, start his own business, and develop a successful ministry as an itinerant lecturer, teacher and conference speaker. He learned what it meant to become a true disciple and eventually to use the grace and spiritual gifts God gave him as a catalyst for a deeper relationship with God.

Located in the heart of America, “G.A.T.E. Ministry Fellowship” (Grapevine Apostolic Transformation Enterprise) is based in Kansas City, Kan. GATE’S mission is to build relationships in ministry by providing resources for churches desiring to transition into a higher level of expression and authenticity in both their local church and mission outreaches. To learn more about the author and his book, please visit: https://www.westbowpress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/794540-this-present-reality.

Review Copies & Interview Requests:                    

LAVIDGE – Indianapolis                        

Lindsey Gobel                    



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