Karriem Allah explains the continued Plight of the Black People of the Western Hemisphere caused by Centuries of Chattel Slavery

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Karriem Allah draws on the history of the slave trade to discuss the laws which made it possible for the enslaved Black People of the Western Hemisphere to be “made into” Christians by their slave-masters; while still serving as chattel slaves…

Karriem Allah discusses the enormously indelible impact of Master Fard Muhammad’s Presence and Work, as it relates to the tremendous surge in technological advancements this century, alongside the great truths that HE revealed through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad regarding the history of the Original People, the origins of the Bible and Holy Quran, and the destiny of humanity. Karriem Allah rebukes those who know of the reality of Master Fard Muhammad for failing to inform the public of HIS unfathomable contribution to the Western and Eastern worlds, and what HE intends to accomplish for the benefit of humanity.

Referencing several renown Black history books, Karriem Allah explains how the Arabs and Europeans, while propagating the Islamic and Christian faiths, respectively, were also at the fringes of what became known as the infamous international slave trade, where millions of Black People from Africa and the East were shipped throughout the world to serve as slaves. He shows how Jesus and Prophet Muhammad forbade slavery, which the Bible and Holy Quran affirm.

Karriem Allah draws on the history of the slave trade to discuss the laws which made it possible for the enslaved Black People of the Western Hemisphere to be “made into” Christians by their slave-masters; while still serving as chattel slaves and still suffering under the extreme brutality and bestiality of those who “made them” Christians. He sheds light on the initial purpose of Christianity as it relates to the continued “slave status” of the enslaved Black populations.

Karriem Allah discusses how the enslaved Black People of America were force-fed the divinely-prohibited swine flesh by the Caucasian slave-masters who also made them “Christians.” Karriem Allah shows how the divine laws delineated in the Old Testament served as prophecy destined to be fulfilled at this time in history in order to repair and heal the damage Black People suffered while enslaved in the Western Hemisphere.

Referencing the Gospels of the New Testament, Karriem Allah also challenges the Preachers of Christianity to prove that Jesus made swine flesh lawful to eat, even while Almighty God forbade Moses and the Children of Israel to neither eat nor touch this “unclean” animal.

Karriem Allah tackles the most overlooked questions related to Almighty God’s divine command, stated in the Bible and Holy Quran, that we neither eat nor touch swine or pork because it is unclean to us. One of these questions is: What makes swine unclean?

In his “house-cleaning” segment, Karriem Allah describes the unconstitutional legislative acts of the U.S. Congress that gave its power over to the Office of the U.S. Presidency, and how attempts to regain this power have been futile—to the detriment of the U.S. citizenry and those serving in the U.S. Military. Karriem Allah offers advice of how the Federal Government can begin returning to the U.S. Constitution it has long forsaken. This advice enlists the American citizenry to uphold its responsibilities as the “electorate” responsible for the destiny of the United States.

This lecture, “Divine Redemption of Black People from the Enduring Woes of Chattel Slavery,” is part of the Messianic Prophecies Series is available on Karriem Allah’s Vimeo and Youtube channels, and his website.

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