We Have A ‘National Duty’ To Prepare Ourselves Says First Aid Global LLC, A Supplier of Personal Protective Equipment

Find supplies at www.FirstAidGlobal.com

Sickroom Ready for Patient

People with families need to ask themselves what supplies they have in their homes to isolate and treat a sick family member when hospitals are full to capacity and the potential of spreading the disease is high.

Imagine being detained in isolation away from your family, or sequestered in your own home for a minimum of 2 weeks or even months while a vaccine is slowly made. Imagine not being able to go out to your drug store or grocery store to pick up medical supplies or food items. This is the reality that certain Chinese communities are experiencing right now – Wuhan, Huanggang, Huangshi – sixteen cities in all representing fifty-million souls. The United States isn’t anywhere near that yet, but you can begin to understand where I’m going with this. People with families need to ask themselves, “What supplies do I have in my home to isolate and treat my sick family member when hospitals are full to capacity and the potential of spreading the disease is high.”

Todd West, CFO of First Aid Global LLC has some insights about preparedness, based upon the recent buying trends for protective masks and suits, “We have a ‘National Duty’ to prepare ourselves ahead of time so that life will be easier on everyone during a pandemic outbreak, including suppliers like us,” Mr. West says. “I’ve been preaching to the public for years to prepare for a Pandemic Outbreak, as well as Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Fires. But normal human behavior dictates that people will wait until a disaster unfolds which is obviously way too late to acquire products. In the case of First Aid Global, we sold out of masks within 48 hours and due to heavy allocation by manufacturers and the government we’ve been unable to restock. We are still fulfilling orders for them and we have a good number of Pandemic Quick Kits, PPE kits and even Sickroom Quarantine packages still available.”

Mr. West’s other recommendations are to stock up on non-perishable food and water and medical supplies when panic subsides. Stock up on masks and gloves and protective clothing now so that you won’t have to panic buy when the next serious contagion goes worldwide.

“The difference between a thousand deaths and 100 million deaths is a precipice we will have to stand on someday,” Mr. West says. “We do not want to see it, but it will happen. Will it be Coronavirus where it begins? Probably not, but a virus will come along someday that mutates and pushes us over that edge, and the amount of chaos, fear and panic will be as thick as the air we breath.”

ContagionSurvival.com and PrepareSurvive.org are Trademarks of First Aid Global LLC

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