Team Novo Nordisk Announces Partnership with FirstAid4Sport

Team Novo Nordisk named Firstaid4Sport as the official medical bag sponsor for the world’s first all-diabetes pro cycling team.

“We look forward to having the support of Firstaid4sport as we change diabetes. It is with their assistance through quality medical supplies that we are able to inspire, educate and empower everyone affected by diabetes,” said Phil Southerland, CEO & Co-Founder of Team Novo Nordisk.

Team Novo Nordisk, the world’s first all-diabetes professional cycling team, and UK-based Firstaid4sport announced a partnership naming the medical supplier as Team Novo Nordisk’s official medical bag sponsor.

In February 2019, the owners of Firstaid4sport’s son Max was rushed to the hospital. The then six-year-old boy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and received a Rufus Bear to help him learn how and where to inject insulin. When he was released from the hospital, Max set the goal of raising enough money to donate 200 Rufus Bears for newly diagnosed children throughout the UK. In addition to supporting Team Novo Nordisk, Firstaid4sport donates a percent of sales from its MAXTape to JDRF.

“The Team Novo Nordisk and Firstaid4sport partnership is a personal one. Diabetes only chooses the champions and it is clear that Max is definitely a champion. It is empowering to see kids as young as Max already motivated to give back to the diabetes community,” Team Novo Nordisk CEO and Co-Founder Phil Southerland said. “We look forward to having the support of Firstaid4sport as we travel the world changing diabetes. It is with their assistance through quality medical supplies that we are able to inspire, educate and empower everyone affected by diabetes.”

The family-run Firstaid4sport was born after its director Gemma Davison tried to provide treatment to an injured hockey player and struggled to find the first aid kit amongst the mass of black bags brought by the team. Upon finding the kit, Gemma realized the contents were not appropriate to treat the injury.

Fifteen years later, Firstaid4sport provides bright orange medical bags complete with sport-specific first aid kits to sporting medical professionals and enthusiasts to prevent and treat injuries quickly, which allows for faster recovery. Firstaid4sport supplies a range of clubs from Super League Club Huddersfield Giants to England Dodgeball with medical bags, but no matter what size or stature the club, they always receive the same quality products and excellent customer service. To Firstaid4sport, safety in sport is paramount no matter what level you compete at.

“Firstaid4sport is incredibly proud to become the medical bag partner of Team Novo Nordisk and we look forward to supporting the team throughout the season. Team Novo Nordisk’s mission to inspire, educate and empower everyone affected by diabetes is something close to our mission of raising money for the JDRF through the sales of our Max Tape,” Firstaid4sport Business Development Manager Catherine Gray said. “This partnership will ensure that the team has access to the highest quality medical supplies ensuring every rider will be protected throughout every race.”

About Team Novo Nordisk

Team Novo Nordisk is a global all-diabetes sports team of cyclists spearheaded by the world’s first all-diabetes professional cycling team. In 2012, Phil Southerland, co-founder and CEO of the team, and global healthcare company Novo Nordisk, came together to create Team Novo Nordisk, based on a shared vision to inspire, educate and empower people around the world affected by diabetes. For more information, go to

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