ERD-Industrial Electronic Repair Releases A Guide For E-Cycling of Industrial Electronic Equipment

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Not only does e-cycling save business’s money, but in the United States, e-cycling creates jobs for 1.25 million people.

ERD-Industrial Electronic Repair has announced the release of their most recent infographic: A Guide For E-Cycling of Industrial Electronic Equipment. The infographic takes a look at how e-cycling helps save the environment and support the economy.

According to ERD-Industrial Electronic Repair, “Companies such as Google and Microsoft have implemented e-cycling programs that have created savings of 10 million dollars per year. It is just good business to recycle. Not only does e-cycling save business’s money, but in the United States, e-cycling creates jobs for 1.25 million people.”

The infographic breaks down the benefits and numbers of recycling industrial electronic equipment.

To learn more about E-cycling, view the infographic here.

About ERD- Industrial Electronic Repair

ERD-Industrial Electronic Repair’s goal is to provide outstanding customer service. They make this possible through: commitment to their clients and their needs, delivery of service with a pleasant, positive attitude, timely and accurate responses to questions and concerns, maintaining a progressive path of innovation, improvement, and reliability, and providing a flexible and simple system of operation that continues to adapt to their clients’ needs.

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